The Short Story
One of our fundamental principles of writing and editing:
Phrasing ought to be calibrated to communicate your intended meaning effectively to your intended audience of readers.
The Real(ist) Story
Phrasing and word choice are like manners: they’re about being considerate of the other person. Gifted bards aren’t just clever wordsmiths or skilled performers, after all; they know how to read the room. The high-flown language, archaic words, and obscure allusions that resonate in a king’s hall may not play as well in the local tavern. There’s nothing wrong with low-brow (or middle-brow or high-brow) phrasing if that’s what best allows you to connect with your audience.
Below is a list of our current posts on editing for phrasing. (I temporarily removed a few in mid-November 2024, but I’m posting a revised or brand-new phrasing article at least once per month.) Each indexed topic links to an article with practical guidelines and tips.
How does written voice shape editorial decisions?
Godspeed and happy rewriting!
(Art ©2016 by Clonefront. Duly licensed by Vaporous Realms Publishing LLC.)
Revised November 25, 2024.