The Short Story
One of our fundamental principles of writing and editing:
Grammar ought to communicate the relationships among words in a way that accurately conveys your intended meaning or effect to the reader.
The Real(ist) Story
Writing a brilliant thought or beautiful moment with imprecise grammar is like striking your opponent in the heart with a dagger made of cheese: it won’t have quite the impact it should. Your opponent and onlookers will probably be more bemused, or outright amused, than impressed.
Below is a list of our current posts on editing for grammar. (I’ve temporarily removed a few, but I’m posting a revised or brand-new grammar article at least once per month.) Each indexed topic links to an article with practical guidelines and tips.
How do I find typos and missing words?
How do I connect complete thoughts (independent clauses)? [forthcoming]
How do I connect partial thoughts (dependent clauses) to a sentence? [forthcoming]
Do I use "which" or "that"? [forthcoming]
How do I connect phrases to a sentence? [forthcoming]
How do I connect fragments to a sentence? [forthcoming]
What is the most logical word order for a sentence? [forthcoming]
Godspeed and happy rewriting!
(Art ©2016 by Clonefront. Duly licensed by Vaporous Realms Publishing LLC.)
Revised November 26, 2024.